How does WealthZen help?

Your financial journey should be led by your preferences and priorities, not by products. WealthZen is here to bridge this gap – with a tech platform for customers to access sound, tailor-made financial advice at any time.

Sustainable- hands clapping


Our scalable tech platform uses  Algorithm/Machine Learning models to combine dynamic client preferences and investment views.

Unbiases- A hand holding the weight


We keep you at the center of the investment process - not at the sidelines and not just at end.

Personalized - Two hands arranging the different pieces of puzzle.


We provide better benchmarking and performance attribution through transparency and hyper-personalisation

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The Zen philosophy

Venn Diagram showing three circles in intersection namely DATA, PREFERENCES and ADVISORS. And an arrow indicating that WealthZen solves for all three aspects.

Like the Yin and Yang, we believe the Investment Intelligence and the Customer’s Investment Journey are inseparable. Our investment intelligence is personalised to your Investment Journey.

Transparent advice and tools to help the customer grow their investing acumen together with the portfolio

Combining human expertise with machine intelligence to create personalised curated portfolios